What an interesting story: this wonderful little cat decided to board the train and return home alone

A smart lost cat decided to use a train to get to the place where she lived.

This beautiful story once again shows us the power of the internet and social media to be useful when used correctly. It was in France.

An incredibly smart lost cat decided to use the passenger train to get to the place where she lived with her owner. She was noticed when she stubbornly climbed into the train.

This brave lost kitten boarded the train on her own to return home, and she made it successfully

The kitten remained calm in the car, sat in her place until the train reached the station she needed.

This brave lost kitten boarded the train on her own to return home, and she made it successfully

And that’s where the power of social media comes into play. One Internet user recalled seeing a very similar missing cat ad on Facebook.

The end of this story is happy. The owner was informed that the kitten was waiting for him at the station, and on the same day he came for his quick-witted cute animal. It turns out that the kitten’s name is Nuise.

This brave lost kitten boarded the train on her own to return home, and she made it successfully

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