This poor lonely orphaned elephant is very happy to come and hug his best friend the ostrich every day

This story is an example of true friendship of elephant and ostrich.

There are many examples of true friendship and devotion. And Giotto’s elephant is one such example.

When he was only a month old, he fell into a well. Then the baby elephant was left alone.

Orphan elephant that lost his mother hugs his ostrich friend every day

He would have died if not for the help of local resident David Shaldrick. The rescued eared and proboscideans were sent to the wildlife sanctuary.

It so happened that on that day another animal was taken to the shelter, an ostrich, which was named Pea. And the babies immediately reached out to each other.

Orphan elephant that lost his mother hugs his ostrich friend every day

Now they are not separated and love to arrange hugs. The employees of the shelter are surprised at the friendship between the elephant and the ostrich.

Orphan elephant that lost his mother hugs his ostrich friend every day

Now the shelter workers are waiting for the kids to get stronger and they can be released into the savannah.

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