Touching story: in New Zealand, a wonderful dog became a donor for a cat and saved his life
The cat was poisoned and was on the verge of death if there wasn’t the dog. In New Zealand, a donor dog named Macy helped save the life
Occasionally, unexpected scenes happen in the wild: in Uganda, on a hot day, lions rest in the trees
It turns out that lions also love to take rest, lounging on the branches of trees. Wildlife photographer Vince Burton, based in Uganda, was able to capture this
Sometimes different species of animals are ready to help each other: this is how a family of monkeys helped a leopard
A family of monkeys managed to save the leopard quite simply. The leopard in the dark did not notice the “setup” and fell into the well. The monkey
This caring and kind cat adopted a small pit bull and began to take care of the dog as her kitten
Looking at how the cat feeds kittens, you won’t understand that a pit bull is there. Cats and dogs are traditionally considered enemies, but incredible things happen in
Famous beauty Julia Roberts appeared on the beach in a pink swimsuit and surprised fans
Age does not prevent the famous actress from choosing rather revealing outfits. Julia Roberts turns 54 in 2021. Not the youngest age, but it does not prevent the
Almost everyone knows Gianluca Vacchi: where the famous dancer-millionaire is now and what he is doing
For a while, millionaire Gianluca Vacchi has become a real Internet star. Gianluca Vacchi became famous thanks to videos where he dances. Where did he disappear to? The
A wonderful company: a goose became friends with a German shepherd and thus saved the dog from euthanasia
The dog, famous for its attacking character, survived thanks to his friend. An incredible incident occurred in one of the animal shelters in the UK. According to local
Kind and caring people saved this wonderful cute kitten and gave the baby a second life
Kind family found out about a small kitten that was in dire need of help. A three-week-old baby who was abandoned by his mother had an eye infection.
Here are some interesting things that could happen: this unique dog detects polar bear pregnancy
A beagle dog can easily determine whether a female polar bear is pregnant or not. Zoos in the US want to use a two-year-old dog to see if
This cat is really liked by the woman: she fell in love with this fat cat and decided to take care of him
The woman wanted to take the cat to the shelter, but then she changed her mind. Jarvis Cat was found on a very small California street. The owner