From this story it is clear that the dance of this crazy dog amused many people.
Many pet owners know that they need to be looked after. Otherwise, the apartment or house will be demolished. So people limit the movement of cats or dogs around the house.
But when the fruit is forbidden, it becomes very sweet.
The dog, named Martin, was not allowed to lie on the bed. The dog didn’t listen the first time. After breaking the rule many times, he finally gave up his habit of not fighting in bed anymore.
Most of his family goes to work, and Martin is left alone with the cat.
Arriving home, the owner began to notice that the blanket was crumpled.
Then these people decided to go to the trick. They put the camera in front of the bed and turned it on before going to work.
Now the dog is convinced that there is no one in the house except the cat. Then he walked over to the bed.
He smelled it and only after that he jumped onto the bed.
And then he turned on his crazy mood. Martin has changed. He literally began to get rid of his inhibition.
It is not known if he was punished by his owners, but it is clear that his dancing was entertained by thousands of people.
Watch the fun dance here: