Beautiful story: for 7 months there was no news about the dog but then the woman received a message

Dog missing 7 months ago found and returned to owner.

A touching reunion took place between a woman and her dog, who had not seen each other for several months. The animal turned out to be a stray, and its owner was identified by a chip.

The dog, which disappeared 7 months ago, was found and returned to the owner, who has moved in the meantime, reports 9News.

On Friday, October 1, 2021, a resident of the northern quarters of Denver, Colorado (western USA), noticed a small dog alone on the street. She then picked him up and took him to the local Denver Animal Protection shelter. The association staff immediately put her through the ID chip reader and found that she was indeed wearing it.

So the volunteers got the contact details of its owner. Kenyetta Tyler hasn’t heard from her dog CoCo since her escape in February 2021. 7 months of research, false hopes, disappointments and misery… until this message from the Denver Animal Services arrived saying that we had just found his four-legged friend.

“I thought it was a joke”.

“I could not believe it. I thought it was a joke,” the girl told 9News. In July, she left Colorado and settled further south in Texas. Despite everything, she still hoped to see Coco again. She also sends a message of hope to all those who, like her, have lost their comrades: “Have faith”, she told them.

For its part, Denver Animal Protection encourages owners to have their pets microchipped. The association does this for $20, or about 17 euros.

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