This cat had a large black heart shape tattooed on her chest.
When her potential people arrived to adopt her sister, Izzy, Zoya tricked them into adopting her.
She had a little surprise up her sleeve. A large black heart was tattooed on her chest.
It’s amazing that no one has looked at this anatomically accurate cardiac coil before.
Her people were immediately smitten with this gorgeous cat and the two black and white cat sisters stayed together.
Zoe’s heart and fur grew with her. Her longer coat earned her the nickname “Fluff”, although she is also known as the “Queen of Hearts”.
The focus was on Zo and her beautiful engagement. However, in recent times the sisters have become as popular as this adorable cat.
Izzy and Zo are adorable, but their personalities are a bit different.
Izzy is useless and curious. Izzy is reckless and brash, while Zo is cautious but incredibly curious.
Both of these strange cats love their owners and each other very much.
Take a look at these adorable photos and see if they can win your heart too.