An ice fish cake was made for seal on his birthday, he was overjoyed

For the 31st birthday, the staff gave a fish cake to a seal named Yulelogs.

A birthday is probably the best time to express your warm feelings for someone.

And according to the staff of the sanctuary, animals also deserve such attention.

The grey seal is presented with a giant ice fish cake for his 31st birthday and the photographs show his adorable reaction

In Yulelog’s life there were many amazing moments.

She was rescued in 1989. After that, he took refuge in one of the sea gardens in the north of England.

But soon the organization closed, and the employees had to leave the seal in the wild.

The grey seal is presented with a giant ice fish cake for his 31st birthday and the photographs show his adorable reaction

The problem was that he couldn’t get food on his own because he didn’t have the skills to live in the wild.

He is very accustomed to people, which, probably, was not taken into account when closing the garden.

The grey seal is presented with a giant ice fish cake for his 31st birthday and the photographs show his adorable reaction

The animal ended up in a shelter for Cornish seals.

Yulelog is now 31 years old, this is really a significant date not only for the staff of the reserve.

The fact is that in the wild, seals do not live up to 25 years, with rare exceptions.

The grey seal is presented with a giant ice fish cake for his 31st birthday and the photographs show his adorable reaction

However, the 31st birthday present also created a positive mood.

The photos show how happy the seal is wearing this fish cake.

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