Unique appearance: here is the adorable baby with the longest eyelashes in the world

This boy’s eyelashes are the longest in the world, this is what he looks like.

This charming boy named Muin Bachonaev, despite the fact that he is only 12 years old, is already listed in the Russian Book of Records.

The little cutie has the longest eyelashes on Earth, which are about 43 millimeters long. Even more amazing, they are still growing.

The 12-year-old boy enjoys his carefree childhood years by attending school regularly and playing football. He leads the life of a perfectly ordinary child.

Muin is often asked to take pictures with strangers who admire the child’s beautiful eyelashes. There are many times when he is constantly looked at, but he is well aware that this is all because of his uniqueness.

Even immediately after his birth, the boy’s parents clearly noticed that he had unusually long eyelashes. Meanwhile, the doctors convinced them that the baby is absolutely healthy and everything is under control.

There is a woman from China who actually has the longest eyelashes on earth, and their length is 124 millimeters, which is simply incredible.

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