«16 unsuccessful attempts and finally it turned out»: a 48-year-old woman for the first time became a mother

The body of this woman seemed to resist this wonderful state.

The Englishwoman Louise Warnford always dreamed of experiencing the joy of motherhood, with such delight she looked at happy mothers who walked with children along the street.

But her body seemed to resist this wonderful state.

When the doctors told the woman that she could not get pregnant naturally, she decided on IVF.

But there were many difficulties, the embryo did not take root. For all the time, Louise had 17 more attempts.

Doctors began to persuade the woman to leave everything as it is and adopt the child.

She was explained that this is a feature of her body, and they are powerless.

But Louise did not even think to give up, she demanded from the doctors what they had to do.

She spent about 80 thousand pounds on all attempts (more than six million rubles) and still managed to defeat nature and was able to get pregnant at 47.

She was under the constant supervision of doctors and was afraid of every new day that could bring her a new disappointment, the fetus continued to develop.

The woman is very grateful to her doctor Hassan Shehat, who supported her and accompanied her throughout the entire period.

«I want to say to all women who desperate and decided to abandon attempts to become a mother.

Only thanks to my perseverance I now live in a full-fledged family.

And each time, looking into my son’s eyes, I don’t get tired of rejoicing that I did not give up and insisted on her own. Believe me, it’s worth it!»

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