Touching scene: a school cleaning lady has never been a birthday and suddenly she heard her name

This old woman kept keeping a very sad secret from everyone all the time.

Francis Bazzard performed its usual duties of an ordinary cleaner.

She always polished the furniture to shine. And soon all employees and students fell in love with this wonderful woman for incredible hard work and perseverance, turning school into one of the cleanest places in the city.

77-year-old school janitor who never had a birthday party hears her name over the loudspeaker

But it turned out that this inconspicuous old woman kept a very sad secret from everyone.

Once the director called Francis to a school dining room. The woman must have been puzzled when the loudspeaker was announced about the need.

What she met when she entered the dining room was far beyond the borders of her most daring fantasies.

77-year-old school janitor who never had a birthday party hears her name over the loudspeaker

More than two hundred students and employees were waiting for Francis to congratulate a woman on the 77th anniversary. It turned out that the director found out that this elderly woman had never had a real birthday in her life. And all employees and students decided to arrange a real holiday for her. This was the very first birthday in her life!

At the door she was met with a loud song “Happy Birthday”, after which a cart with gingerbread and chocolate cupcakes, as well as plenty of lemonade, was rolled out of the kitchen.

77-year-old school janitor who never had a birthday party hears her name over the loudspeaker

Francis gave a sparkling tiara, put on her head. In addition, students hung a memorable tape before the woman before she was brought to a chair in the very center of the room. She was a real party star.

Soon the time has come for the climax of the show.

77-year-old school janitor who never had a birthday party hears her name over the loudspeaker

The curtains on one side of the room opened, opening a large screen. He included a slide show that includes a documentary about the history of Francis.

Many photos capture important historical events of its long and rich life. On one of them, Francis raises the flag on Ivodzima, standing next to Nile Armstrong on the moon. She was a very energetic young lady during her heyday.

But the woman did not celebrate her birthday to the hut?

77-year-old school janitor who never had a birthday party hears her name over the loudspeaker

Francis remembered her childhood. She grew up in a very poor family. It turns out that her parents could never afford to arrange a real birthday to the girl. They almost never had the opportunity to celebrate Christmas.

Francis was delighted with such a wonderful gesture from the school. It was a well -thought -out award from the director, employees and students for the efforts of the cleaner. You can only thank these people for making the old woman smile on her birthday.

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