Little kitten named Sushi adores the baby with whom he shares a house.
This cat never leaves the baby, he always sleeps next to her, he was the first to guess that something was wrong with the baby.
When the owner took Sushi as a baby, he was very quiet and shy.
A few months later, Xiomara became his best friend.
Sushi was near the child every minute.
The girl always sleeps peacefully next to him, loves to hold his paw.
The only time Sushi wasn’t with Xiomara was severe diarrhea. Sushi couldn’t stand the ”smell”.
Once Sushi did not fall off the girl’s neck, could not move away even for a second.
He seemed to indicate to Mandy that something was wrong with the child.
It turned out that the baby had a sore throat.
Mandy says she is happy that her child such friend.
She knows the child will be safe with her.