This kind woman tried to convince a cat to bring her kittens so she could feed and take care of them

This woman started talking to the cat, convincing her to trust and bring the kittens.

Shia Pryor noticed a gray stray cat in her yard. She gave some food and noticed how affectionate the animal was.

Such a beauty came to the yard and asked for food.

Woman asked the cat to bring her kittens to take care of them and feed them

Upon closer examination, it turned out that the cat is breastfeeding and needs food to produce milk. Shia, of course, fed her enough.

She began talking to the cat, urging her to trust him and bring the kittens. The woman promised to take care of them. And it worked, the cat believed her.

Woman asked the cat to bring her kittens to take care of them and feed them

Two days later, the gray beauty returned with fluffy fur.

And the most daring even approached the outstretched hand.

Shia, as promised, took care of all the kittens. Shia decided to keep the cat and two kittens.

Woman asked the cat to bring her kittens to take care of them and feed them

Due to the coronavirus, she lost her office job and will now take up gardening.

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