This is incredible: this unique child was born with thick wool, and this surprises everyone

Mother of an amazing baby, every day he puts her son hair with a hairdryer.

The 5-month boy Bobby Carter became a celebrity thanks to his unusually lush hair at this age. The mother of an amazing baby, whose portrait was printed at once by many editions, admitted: every day she puts her son hair with a hairdryer.

Five-month-old baby was born with so much hair that he stops strangers in their tracks

The 30-year-old Rachel Carter said in an interview that even during pregnancy during an ultrasound, her child could boast of real hair. Since the fetus had no signs yet, it was decided that the girl would be born.

Five-month-old baby was born with so much hair that he stops strangers in their tracks

«When the boy was finally born, the obstetricians were so surprised that they called all his colleagues to admire him – our bobby was born with a luxurious hairstyle», the woman told reporters laughing.

Five-month-old baby was born with so much hair that he stops strangers in their tracks

Also, according to the young mother, her little son is constantly paying attention to the street. The kid, as Rachel said, even began to get used to what causes enthusiastic interest, like a real star.

It also turned out that the boy’s mother has to wash his head every day. And then carefully lay the hair with a hairdryer.

Five-month-old baby was born with so much hair that he stops strangers in their tracks

«If I do not dry his hair, they will stand on end, and then he will look like Wolverine. But Bobby loves his hairstyle, and before bedtime he constantly touches her with his fingers. He acts on him as a sedative, he immediately falls asleep», the woman said.

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