Life shook the dog very hard, so people didn’t like his “beauty”.
Frodo wandered the streets. Life shocked him too much, so people didn’t like his “beauty”.
But in the end fate turned to Frodo. He was noticed by a kind person. He immediately took Frodo to the best veterinary clinic.
The doctors of the clinic saw a lot of different things, but even they were horrified by the sight of the unfortunate dog.
His body was covered with scabies, which caused his hair to fall out in clumps, and he was stricken with worms.
Doctors quickly found a common language with Frodo. After delicious food and affectionate treatment, the dog realized that these people wish him well and that he should not be afraid of them.
Frodo’s body was very weak and emaciated.
But Frodo was not going to give up and perfectly withstood all the actions and showed himself to be a true warrior.
Now Frodo is perfectly healthy and looks great. It was not difficult for him to find a new loving family.