This boy, 8, ended up on the street with his family, but came up with a business idea and they bought an apartment

This boy came up with a business and bought an apartment 8 months later.

The family of an eight-year-old boy was almost on the street because of the crisis and debts. The adults could not find a way out of the situation, and the boy turned out to be more quick-witted.

8-year-old boy and his family ended up on the street, but he came up with a business idea and bought an apartment 8 months later

Berenice Pacheco with three children was unable to pay the expensive rent of an apartment in Los Angeles on time. Due to the current situation in the world, a woman simply lost her job.

Berenice had to move to a barn, where there were not enough basic conditions for life.

Once, in a playful conversation with her eight-year-old son Aaron, a woman suggested that he start his own business and learn how to buy toys himself. Berenice quickly forgot about the conversation, but the boy seriously thought about it.

8-year-old boy and his family ended up on the street, but he came up with a business idea and bought an apartment 8 months later

By evening, the boy decided to resell the plants. He took the $12 he saved and bought eight succulents from a nearby market. He managed to resell them already for $ 16 – a small profit, but.

The boy’s income increased every day because many adults gave him generous tips.

Aaron started his own advertising page on Instagram. His story was quickly covered by the media, which further increased the reach of the audience.

8-year-old boy and his family ended up on the street, but he came up with a business idea and bought an apartment 8 months later

A group of concerned citizens then held an auction for Aaron’s family on GoFundMe.

Eight months have passed since the start of the business, and thanks to the auction, the boy earned as much as 40 thousand dollars.

8-year-old boy and his family ended up on the street, but he came up with a business idea and bought an apartment 8 months later

This money was enough for the family to buy a tiny, but their own apartment on the very outskirts of the city. And at the same time, the business continues to grow, as more and more people learn the story of an enterprising boy.

Aaron is not going to stop there. He plans to buy a better home for his family next year.

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