The same beauty as her grandmother: what the granddaughter of Brigitte Bardot looks like

Media representatives have to be content with a photo of the granddaughter of Bardot.

87-year-old legendary actress Brigitte Bardot rarely appears in public lately. The woman prefers a closed lifestyle and almost does not communicate with journalists who strive to capture an elderly actress.

Brigitte Bardot with her son

While Brigitte is holed up at home, media representatives have to be content with a photo of the granddaughter of the legendary star of French cinema.

Anna Charrier and her famous grandmother

Anna Charrier is a French actress and daughter of the only Bardot heir, Nicole. By the way, the actress never had tender feelings for her son.

Not too long ago, Nicole sued her mother after Bardot published her memoirs. “She loves her guinea pigs and I love my family,” Nicole replied to a question about her legendary mother.

Do you think Anna looks like her famous beauty grandmother?

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