The hairdresser showed how she changes women with new hairstyles

For ordinary hairdressers and makeup artists, the pandemic has become a disaster – all clients have disappeared. But for the pros, on the contrary, everything turned out for the best. Jurgita Malauskaite, the founder of the SelfStation studio, will explain why this is so.

Let’s start with the fact that a groomed person, and even more a woman, cannot walk for a long time. If she does not live in the jungle on a desert island, but even there you can build a mirror from a puddle of water and cut off the overgrown patches with a sharp stone. What, in fact, many during quarantine did out of desperation – they tried to bring beauty on their own, with varying success. As a result, by the end of the restrictions, a line of women lined up at the door of Yurgita, who were in a hurry to correct what they had done.

The second factor was the rethinking of oneself and one’s place in the world, again, not always of good will. Some have changed jobs or activities in general, others have discovered new talents or have the courage to say goodbye to old burdensome habits. In any case, they have changed, and they wanted to consolidate this with a new visual image. And it all starts with a new hairstyle.

As a rule, a woman knows what she wants from a new hairstyle, but does not understand it, does not know how to express it. And the task of the hairdresser is to catch the shades and understand the needs, to feel the client and help him with self-expression. This is the main skill, and clicking with scissors is a matter of technology. Although, you need to be able to do this, because everyone’s hair is different.

Also, it often happens that the desires of customers do not correspond to them. You can’t just take and repeat a hairstyle from a magazine if you have a different type or hair structure. Or here is such an aspect – and specifically, this woman knows how to take care of her hair properly? Will she be able to maintain at home what is created by the hairdresser? If not, then it is better not to be deceived and discuss it honestly, because otherwise it will only get worse.

A good hairstyle is like a “happiness pill”. It acts very quickly and brightly, the effect lasts a very long time and instills in a woman self-confidence and her irresistibility. And for a hairdresser, there is nothing better than to be aware of himself as a creator who makes people happy.

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