Misael weighed over 80 kg at the age of 5. Now he is 9 years old and this is how he has changed

A boy named Misael was born the most ordinary child weighing 2800 kg. But the only thing that distinguished the child from his peers was an indomitable appetite.

At a year and a half, he weighed 19 kg and gained 11 grams daily. It was then that Misael’s parents thought about the boy’s health.

They often walked with him, taught outdoor games – but nothing gave a tedious result – at 5 years old the boy weighed 80 kg, he could not move independently and his appetite increased more and more.

When local media told about the child, some Brazilian doctors decided to help Misael and took care of his health. Now the boy is 9 years old and weighs 90 kg, which is much better, since, according to calculations, he should have exceeded 100 long ago.

Now they want to send the boy abroad, as local doctors no longer know how to help him.

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