Kind and caring people: stylists put a homeless woman in order and she became unrecognizable

One famous master decided to transform a homeless and neglected woman.

According to professional stylists, every woman is beautiful, the main thing is personal care, the right makeup and the right clothes.

And to prove that this is true, one famous master decided to transform a homeless and neglected woman named Rita, who has been living on the street for quite some time.

She sometimes has nowhere to just wash and brush her teeth, let alone take care of herself.

Because of her untidy appearance, everyone bypassed Rita, no one talked to her, and there was no talk of employment, even as a cleaner.

Makeup artist Shafag Novruzova decided to pamper a simple homeless woman with small feminine joys, giving her a second chance for a happy life.

Shafag admits that this case can hardly be called simple. The masters did their best. The woman acquired a new Hollywood smile.

Today the heroine of our post visited a reception at a nail salon. We all know that well-groomed nails can transform any woman.

Having finished with manicure and pedicure, the masters moved on to make-up.

After the cosmetics were successfully applied, the woman did hair extensions and stylish styling.

I think it’s a facelift. The masters managed to turn this homeless woman into a stylish lady.

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