In 8 years, this man and his dog have traveled more than 40,000 kilometers.
Walking is good for our health and the health of our four-legged friends. Mike Mitchell and Chance, his dog, never tire of their daily walks. For 8 years they have overcome more than 40,000 kilometers.
A resident of Anchorage, Alaska, and his dog share a special bond. Their story began in 2013. Mike Mitchell found the Shih Tzu through an online ad on his 60th birthday. He did not hesitate for a second before deciding to adopt her.
Since the animal joined the household, it has gone on an adventure with its owner. And the duo developed a taste for hiking in the heart of nature, forests and mountains.
At the time, Mike Mitchell was struggling with being overweight. Doctors urged him to engage in physical activity, such as walking. Eight years later, the 60-year-old man and his furry best friend aren’t going to stop there. But the man also had other health problems…
In particular, he was infected with hepatitis C in 1976. Since that fateful day, he continued to fight the disease.
Finally, in 2018, treatments such as chemotherapy defeated the virus. Now 68 years old, he saved Chance’s life.
The duo drives an average of 5,000 kilometers each year, according to People. Daily walks are logged on Apple Watch. “We get out and walk 15 or 20 kilometers, come back for some food and maybe some sleep,” the pedestrian said.
Eight years later, Mike Mitchell and Chance have covered almost 40,000 kilometers together.
2 athletes who are very close to each other are not going to give up their habits and stop their antics, thanks to which they got to know each other. They are determined to continue their odyssey and go as far as their feet and paws can.