Beautiful story: 101-year-old woman shows how to turn every day into the best

Everybody who comes to see and works at the city’s community center admires her.

In Howard City, Michigan, Helen Beebe is a key member of her district. She is a local resident of the city and an active member of society, born in 1921.

She greatly cherished the birthday celebration that the center hosted for her in honor of her significant 101st birthday.

Helen claimed that despite being 101 years old, she continues to do all the housework by herself and even finds the time and stamina to bake frequently.

Her weekly itinerary also includes trips to the community center on Fridays and trips to the market on Wednesdays.

She states that her active behavior is a guarantee that her mind and body have remained in good shape all these years. She strongly believes that being busy and active will help a person stay smart and smart.

She claimed that her parents, who always kept their children busy in one way or another, instilled in her and her siblings the habit of moving and staying active.

“My parents took us everywhere and made us do things”, she recalls, adding, “I think that’s what life is”.

She also loves to dance. She loves to dance the polka, but due to her advanced age she cannot participate in it. She still continues to dance to slow music.

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