This appearance was the recommendation of an ordinary hairdresser.
22-year-old insurance agent Gwilym Pugh worked remotely.
It seemed very convenient to him, because all that the guy needs is the Internet and a computer, and he can earn quite decent money without leaving his home.
But here’s the matter-at hand was not only a computer, but also a refrigerator.
It is completely imperceptible, sitting at work for 12 or more hours a day, he turned from a beautiful young man into a 127-kilogram carcass with shortness of breath and pains in the whole body.
This could not continue, but Gwilym, like many of us, needed inspiration to change.
There was a desire to speak on stage with friends as part of a folklore team that they created there, a few years ago.
So why did I not have enough in care for myself? Elementary push, a certain starting point.
And it was the recommendation of an ordinary hairdresser.
Such advice was given to the guy when he came to cut his hair!
Gwilym listened to the Council.
So, the first step is taken, the red beard is growing a little.
And the young man began to look more courageous and interesting.
The next step was the revision of the diet in the direction of proper and balanced diet, and of course.
When the weight began to leave slowly, the man enrolled in the gym.
Gwilym gradually, but stubbornly loses, in five years he managed to lose 40 kg.
Satisfied with the result, the young man starts an Instagram account and begins to post his photos there.
Photos of a red-haired bearded man saw a fashion designer named Nathan Palmer.
After some time, he was invited to show cool designer clothing in cooperation with the London Agency AMCK Models.
So yesterday’s insurance agent became a model!