An interesting story: her husband secretly dug a tunnel from his wife for 15 years and she learned about it by chance

For 15 years in a row, Patsy Kerr dug a tunnel from his bedroom every night.

His wife slept so tightly that she found out about the project only when her husband began to leave at night and tried to follow him.

Husband, secretly from his wife, was digging a tunnel from the bedroom for 15 years: she found out by chance

Painful work took all the forces from the plumbing from OMA.

He later admitted that he had repeatedly thought to quit everything. But the tunnel was already leaving too deep. It would be as difficult to stop as continuing.

“The wife falls asleep only with sleeping pills and does not hear anything all night. I worked and worked, once even brought a punch”, Patsy told reporters.

After 15 years, the strange work of the plumbing was completed.

Husband, secretly from his wife, was digging a tunnel from the bedroom for 15 years: she found out by chance

He dug a comfortable narrow fossa to the nearest pub, and then Patsy’s plan failed: his wife stopped drinking sleeping pills.

One night, the woman woke up and with great amazement saw her husband pushed back the closet and hid in a narrow hole.

The plumbing wife looked inside, traced a tunnel a bit, but did not reach the end.

She just waited for her husband to return in the morning. Patsy had no choice but to admit everything.

Husband, secretly from his wife, was digging a tunnel from the bedroom for 15 years: she found out by chance

The tunnel would still have to be filled up. He went under the sidewalk and part of the tile failed.

Local authorities have already begun to be interested in the situation.

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