27 times I injected fillers into my lips: this is what a freak girl looked like before plastic surgery

It seems that the age of freaks has passed, they can surprise everyone.

The fact is that Andera Ivanova, a native of Bulgaria, always wanted to look like a real Barbie, so she did everything to look like a famous doll.

27 раз колола филлеры в губы. Как выглядела раньше девушка-фрик до пластики27 раз колола филлеры в губы. Как выглядела раньше девушка-фрик до пластики

Ivanova started with the lips and finished with the shapes, but it’s the lips that raise the most questions. Most recently, Ivanova has had 27 lip filler injections and seems to be planning another one soon.

27 раз колола филлеры в губы. Как выглядела раньше девушка-фрик до пластики27 раз колола филлеры в губы. Как выглядела раньше девушка-фрик до пластики

Subscribers are very fast to stop, and doctors are wary of the consequences, but Andrea firmly decided to become a girl who entered the Guinness Book of Records. But in the “before” photo, Andrea was a pretty enough girl and certainly could have spent time and resources on something more favorable.

27 раз колола филлеры в губы. Как выглядела раньше девушка-фрик до пластики

Andera before surgery

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