«The kindest boss in the world»: the boss who lives in India decided to give his employees cars and apartments

Such expensive gifts for company employees are not new.😱👍

One day, a festive day that took place in India became unforgettable for one of the companies, which they remembered for a lifetime.

On that day, the leader of the company showed his kindness and generosity like never before.

On that day, the leader decided to donate more than 1,000 cars and different apartments to all employees.

This kind person’s name is Savji Dolakia, and he is always ready to give expensive gifts to his employees.  He decided to create a diamond business that operates in different countries of the world and brings in a good income.

And he always said that he would stop to do it. He would always give good gifts to his employees.  He brings up his children very well and never makes children think that life is a very easy thing.

And when his son was 21, he explained that diamonds do not fall from the sky, and he sent his son to work and gave him only a few sets of clothes and hygiene items.

He is a wonderful father and always says: «I was born in such a family, where my father explained to me how ordinary people earn money, and it was very interesting to me».

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