Wonderful wooden sculptures created by Jeffro Uitto

Amazing wooden animals

Деревянные скульптуры от Jeffro Uitto

Jeffro Uitto’s wooden statues are amazing pieces of art. The Washington craftsman is enamoured with his local planet’s natural beauty: all of his works are crafted from snags he collected along the beach. He is inspired to make incredibly beautiful statues by strange forms. Birds and animals are the most common, with furnishings being the least common.

Jeffro Uitto в своей мастерской

The visitors of the Culturology.Ru website are routinely informed about artists who work with wood. The artworks of Tom Eckert, Jehard Demetz, and Randall D. Boni are very distinct from one another, but they are all unified by a respectful approach toward the substance with which they work.

Скульптуры животных от Jeffro Uitto

Jeffro Uitto spends all of his free time dealing with wood, and he built the majority of the image processing techniques himself. Thoughts occur to us in the most unexpected places: a humorous knot or a twisted tree are frequently the source of inspiration. The artist can spend a long time looking for the right piece of wood, and work on every statue can take years.

Jeffro Uitto создает прекрасную деревянную мебель

Деревянные скульптуры от Jeffro Uitto

Many pieces of furniture products may be found in Jeffro Uitto’s studio, including opulent couches, enormous tables, and elegant entrances. Actual, the writer’s true brilliance shines through in his animal creations. They appear to be simply fantastic in nature, which can be seen in Jeffro Uitto’s art. The ”visiting card” is a statue of a pony on the beach, which appears to be galloping along the beach.

On Jeffro Uitto’s own site, you can see more amazing statues.

Деревянные скульптуры от Jeffro Uitto

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Source: Kulturologia

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