Wonderful duck made friends with the dog and was able to save him from depression

He began to eat very little because of the melancholy that tormented him.

Dog George survived the terrible tragedy-death of his girlfriend, Labrador nicknamed Blackie. The dog was in a real depression.

George began to eat very little because of the melancholy that tormented him, and the hosts were seriously worried about the health of the pet.

George, as usual, indulged in sad dog thoughts, lying on the porch of the house. This day would go like this, but … The appearance of a strange duck changed everything!

The duck went up to George and gently pressed him against him.

Now you will be even more surprised when you find out that this mysterious stranger did not appear on a regular day, but … on the day of the death of Labrador Blackie!

Since the appearance of the guest, the dog never cried.

Jacques immediately decided to leave a new pet in the house and never regretted it. The duck was very smart and everywhere followed George.

A week later, the dog changed noticeably: he became a playful, cheerful pet with an excellent appetite. From his eyes, longing, now, disappeared forever!

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