«Wolf in the human body»: this is how a unique man lives who is not like others living on the planet

He is currently starring in the pilot episode of a certain reality show.🧐😳

Our unique story is about a man who is known as The Wolf Man. It is a mutation that occurs very rarely: in one person in a billion. Life with such a syndrome is very difficult but this man believes that it was thanks to hairiness that he could have a successful career in Hollywood.

A 35-year-old man named Gomez has already played a role in the «Water for Elephants» melodrama.

In addition, he is now starring in the pilot episode of a reality show. He was an artist who performed on the trapeze, he performed acrobatic tricks and attracted the attention of people.

After filming in Hollywood he began to fend off the crowds of fans. He said: «I had at least 35 women in my life.

They saw a strong man in me and all this because of the hair. I feel good with such a look and always very well communicated with women. There were times when they even harassed me».

If there are people with the same mutation as this man who wants to get rid of this hair, then an actor with such hair is even pleased with his appearance. The man said that if some kind of medicine is found that will help, then he is ready to have an operation. First of all, people who have such a disease are sure that their situation is not hopeless and that there is a treatment for this.

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