When Sleep Can Wait: Baby Elephant’s Playful Resistance to Bedtime

A baby elephant playing instead of sleeping.šŸ¤—

Children do not like to go to bed early, so they try to delay the moment as much as possible, unlike adults who will do anything for a good sleep. Not only human babies but also baby animals donā€™t want to sleep.

A baby elephant became popular on the web for protesting in its overly cute way when its caretakers announced it was bedtime. The case happened at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, a Kenyan elephant rescue organization, and became a complete success, as the workers posted on the web.

The baby elephant named Kinyei tries his best to convince his caretaker that it’s playtime, not nighttime. The caregiver, though, is not impressed.

”Kinyei just ain’t ready to sleep.” ”She’s had her nighttime milk bottles, her best friends are already sitting next to her, and Kindergarten is quiet around her… But this carefree teenager felt she didnā€™t want to sleep at allā€™ā€™.

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