«What is going on behind the scenes?»: Everyone’s favorite Cowell has had a rough few years

No one knows what Simon Cowell has had to go through in recent years🧐🧐

The name of this star is, probably, known by absolutely everyone. He has achieved tremendous success and career heights due to his great talent, professionalism, and charisma. He started his career as a music producer and consultant.

The X Factor and Got Talent brought him overall fame and recognition. It should be mentioned that he was titled one of the 100 most influential people in 2004 and 2010.

Throughout his life, he suffered two accidents. The first one was falling off the stairs as a result of which his back was severely injured. The second one was an electric scooter accident.

He had to be operated and there were possible risks of complications. He admitted that he didn’t think that it was too powerful and after flying 6-8 feet in the air he fell off right on his spine.

Things about the star that are to be mentioned are loving animals so much and contributing to charity companies. What concerns his personal life, he was been with L. Silverman. Yet, she was still married when she started an affair with him.

The man admits that meeting this woman and becoming a father were the happiest things that have ever happened to him.

However surprising it may seem; the heir of the star won’t inherit his fortune. Instead, cats and dogs will. Simon wants his son to make a fortune by himself.

Interestingly enough, the father and the son both love Scooby Doo and Disney movies. The star admits that his son has been the most amazing thing that has happened to him.

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