What an interesting story: this dog is good at bus rides and then goes alone to a dog park

Passengers using Seattle’s public transit system have reason to rejoice.

Eclipse, Seattle’s most famous dog, is our guest today. With his unique lifestyle, this flamboyant dog has earned international recognition and will melt hearts online.

Passengers using Seattle’s public transit system have reason to rejoice. That’s because one of the nearly 120 million commuters who use it every year is furry, though quite intelligent!

We’ve all heard about how intelligent beings can be. This one in particular takes the cake. Eclipse is a stunning black Labrador Retriever.

An adorable 2-year-old puppy has become a regular passenger on Seattle’s D-Line bus. All this happened after she learned how to ride the bus on her own. Where else would she go but to the dog park?

The whole story began one day at the bus station, when Eclipse and her owner were waiting for the bus. Her human father clearly smoked his cigarette too slowly.

As a result, when the bus pulled up, the adorable puppy just jumped on it. She was on her own! The next destination was the park.

As a result, if her owner is busy, she doesn’t have to wait that long. Eclipse simply jumps on board and drives to its destination.

All this is very pleasing to Seattle bus passengers. She is well known among bus drivers. She sits in this chair as if she were a human being. She brings joy to everyone. “How could you not fall in love with that face?” says the narrator – said Tiona Rainwater, a frequent D-Line traveler.

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