What a unique and positive animal: this cow brought happiness to everyone with its cuteness

The miniature cow brings people joy, love, and comfort through bovine therapy.

When most people think of therapy animals, they think of dogs. However, there are so many animals that can brighten people’s lives, from small rodents to large horses.

Dolly Starr may not be your typical therapist, but she has a huge impact on the people she visits. The miniature cow travels from children’s hospitals to memorial institutions and nursing homes to bring joy, love and comfort to people through veterinary medicine.

Dolly’s owner, Karin Boyle, founded the nonprofit Dolly Star Foundation, based on Dolly’s therapeutic work.

In an interview with ABC 15, she explained that she was inspired to start the foundation after her father was placed in the center of remembrance.

He said his father, a longtime farmer, spoke positively of his livestock and believed that other residents could benefit from the livestock.

Because Dolly is smaller than a normal cow, she is much easier to transport, meet and greet.

Because of this and her high demand, she is able to travel to a new therapy location almost every weekend.

The director of public relations at the care facility that Dolly visited also spoke to ABC 15, saying, “Residents need joy, love and friendship, especially when they’re dealing with these illnesses”.

This is something the little cow is more than happy to provide, and the residents of the facility can’t get enough of her.

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