What a story: an old grandmother was sad when she was told she was too old to adopt an animal

The reason that associations explain their position is her age.

In England, an octogenarian woman is in despair after she was turned down by several shelters when she wanted to adopt a dog. The reason the associations attribute their position to is his age.

Thelma Ashley, 86, lives in Penzance in Cornwall, South West England, with her granddaughter Kiri.

The latter temporarily moved to her house, but in a few months she will move in with her, and the grandmother will be alone again.

Thelma Ashley lost her husband 7 years ago, then her golden retriever George.

She wanted to get a dog to keep her company, and also because she felt quite capable of caring for and showing affection for him.

However, all the major associations with which she contacted about this, answered her in the negative. They think she’s too old to take care of the animal, according to CornwallLive.

The situation that upsets her is the one who says she is “healthy”. Kiri is also sad about this, especially since she feels that her grandmother is starting to give up.

“My grandma […] loves animals”, says the young woman. “But some of the big charities say she’s too old and they don’t want to give dogs to older people. But she is incredibly fit, lively and wonderful. She is almost 87 years old, but she walks 6 to 8 kilometers every day”.

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