«Unpleasant relations between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton»: Prince Harry spoke about a tense relationship

The Duke of Sussex in interviews spoke about the aggressiveness of Kate.

Prince Harry does not cease to surprise the audience with unexpected revelations, many of which seem completely fantastic.

So, the Duke of Sussex in his memoirs and interviews spoke about the aggressiveness of Kate Middleton.

And this is despite the fact that the British have long had a fairly clear idea that Princess Wales is a very reasonable and calm woman for example.

However, Harry insists that Megan brought Kate only a joke the fact that «she clung so much into the chair that her fingers turned white».

Now Harry spoke about the parade, which Megan first visited in 2018.

Katherine, as the prince writes, decided to ask a newly made relative, as she likes this sight.

«Very colorful», Markle joked awkwardly. As a result, a tense silence hung between the two women, threatening to develop into a public quarrel.

However, this is far from the only revelation of the prince about Kate.

So, he said that William and his wife were «Suits» fans until Meghan Markle appeared on the steps of Kensington Palace.

Harry believes that the stereotypes, which were directly related to her image from the series, prevented loved ones from receiving their lover normally.

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