Unlikely Best Friends: The Heartwarming Bond Between a Cat and a Horse, Sappy and Dakota

A unique bond between a cat and a horse.đŸ€—đŸ€—

Sappy and Dakota made friends since Sappy was just a kitten, and he was never afraid of Dakota.

The child’s mother, Denice Kinney, told The Dodo: ”Before the little boy began to grow, I noticed him lying by the horse.” “He will lie on the horse if it sleeps. Even one day I saw him climbing up his tail, to sleep on his back.”

Sappy and Dakota love to cuddle together and Dakota never hurts Sappy.

You might think that these two wouldn’t find a common language, but despite everything, including the huge size gap, they really enjoy spending time together.

After feeding each day and throughout the feeding period, the cat is in Dakota’s place.

Kinney noted. “They both always come after I bring food. The cat goes with me like the dog.’’

For Sappy, Dakota is like a father figure. These two have a really special bond and it looks like they will be always together.

As Kinney states, a horse is kind even when it grabs a cat by the neck. ”A horse person will understand that a horse can easily hurt a cat,” she added. ”They make a great team. They really are happy friends.”


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