Unique cat became a star because she loved to steal toys and take them to her neighbors

Fluffy cat began to visit his neighbors very often, but not empty-handed.😊😊

Once the family moved to a new apartment in Australia. One day they saw that there was a cute ginger kitten in the yard. They fell in love and became friends with her. This cat liked to visit neighbors often.

Soon the family found out that the cat brings a lot of different toys every day to the neighbors. They found out that the kitten steals all this from the backyard and it belonged to other people.

They took pictures of all these toys and posted on social networks to find the owners of these things.

Many even commented that they saw how this ginger cat steals all the toys. The woman returned all these toys to their owners who advised to give this cat to another family so that the cat would no longer steal their things.

Fortunately a kind neighbor agreed to take a disobedient and unique cat and gave the name Kylo. She loved this funny cat.

Fortunately this cat lived happily with her new owner. She gave the cat a huge box so that the cat could play with it.

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