Unexpected discovery: this couple bought a farm and found 15 cats there and decided to take care of them

The first thing the couple noticed when they visited the farm were the cats.

Buying a new home is an important task in everyone’s life.

For some, this is a chance to expand their family… Emily Bott and Dylan Lovek not only have an old farmhouse, but also… about fifteen cats.

The first thing the couple noticed when they visited the house was the cats casually roaming the yard.

There were 15 cats in total. The real estate agent told her that they would all leave before she moved in.

The previous owners left the pet food. Of all the necessary care, only food was noticeably satisfied. Indeed, several cats have had health problems and none have been neutered.

Of the family, only a cat named Valencia dared to approach his benefactors. Over time, a great friendship developed.

Valencia even starts running down the road to greet Emily when she hears a car approaching.

As for other members of the feline family, courting them took several months.

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