To save the animals from the hurricane, this kind and caring woman took them home

The woman brought dozens of animals her house to protect them from the storm.

Carly Henry, a resident of Austin, Texas, brought dozens of animals of different colors and sizes to her house for a month to protect them from the weather.

Carly felt she was adequately prepared for the natural disaster. Gathered supplies, bought air heaters for the house and aviaries for animals. But when the storm hit, there was no electricity in the houses.

Without humans, all animals would die.

Woman built an exotic zoo at home to save different animals from frost and strong hurricane

How much did it cost to transport three giant tortoises? Each of them weighs from 30 to 60 kilograms, so they have to be literally dragged along the ground.

However, under the influence of adrenaline, Carly somehow managed to carry two of them home on her own, which greatly surprised everyone present.

Only when all the creatures that could have been seriously harmed by the storm were under her roof, Carly was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Woman built an exotic zoo at home to save different animals from frost and strong hurricane

Surprisingly, as if sensing the danger awaiting them outside the walls of the temporary place, all living creatures gathered under one roof and behaved very peacefully.

Woman built an exotic zoo at home to save different animals from frost and strong hurricane

The storm did not abate for many days. From time to time the electricity went out, so sometimes the fireplace became the only source of light and heat.

When the temperature outside rose to 20 degrees, Carly released the animals into the wild. Thank you dear Carly.

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