This wonderful golden retriever saw a wounded eagle and immediately began to help him

Kenai, a three-year-old golden retriever, spotted a bald eagle in the bushes.

Man’s best friend is his dog. They are the most devoted, loyal and protective creatures on the planet. As you will see, these characteristics benefit a wide range of beings.

Kerry Burns and Pam Weber walked along the Saker River in Duluth, Minnesota, where it flows into Lake Superior. Kenai, Burns’ dog, started barking at that moment.

Kenai, a three-year-old golden retriever, spotted a bald eagle in the bushes. The dog continued to bark.

“Shortly after, the eagle jumped out of the bushes and swooped down towards the shoreline”, Burns added.

“Fortunately, she was taught not to hunt animals. She stopped barking after she told me about it, and I noticed what she was looking at”.

The feathers of the eagle turned to ice.

He also suffered a shoulder injury. After an additional examination, the animal showed signs of lead poisoning.

The staff offered fluids and painkillers to the eagle because they thought the injury could be healed.

Burns and Weber then took the injured eagle to the University of Minnesota Predator Center in St. Paul.

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