«This species is considered endangered» There are so few Lynxes left because of poaching

Conservation organizations want to fight lynx poaching.😳😳

Nature Preservation organizations want to prevent lynx poaching through the cross-border new protection project. WWF and ‘’Luchs Bayern’’ announced a partnership with the Czech NGO Hunt DUHA and the University of Bremen in June, which is World Lynx Day.

According to recent studies, up to one-fourth of the lynxes in Bavaria are poached, according to a recent survey. “If poaching continues at pace as it is now, the lynx population in the country border area may disappear 100 years later”. Big cats will be poisoned, shot, or killed, and therefore they are still under threat in this country.

Rangers, along with every agency responsible will be trained under the ‘’Tatort Luchs’’ program to improve the investigation of poaching crimes and increase conviction rates. The guide will be created. According to the report, the initiative is supported by the federal authorities and different nature protection programs.

According to the World Wildlife Fund and ‘’Luchs Bayern’’, 13 adult native lynxes disappeared in the border area, and two huge cats were killed with certainty. This corresponds to about 20% of the adult lynx population in the area. According to the report, poachers may have killed the missing lynx.

“This is especially bittersweet because, despite the fact that numerous lynxes were killed illegally, and this was verified, not a single culprit has been brought to justice.” This shows how relevant our lynx protection project is here in Bavaria,” claim nature protection activists.


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