This man did not have animals: he went into the room for a sweater and saw an unexpected

The man awakened paternal instincts that he had not suspected before.

British director Paris Zartzilla went into his room to get a sweater and found a cat with four newborn kittens. But she didn’t have a cat. From that moment on, his life turned upside down. Paris canceled all work and stayed with the cat.

He was overwhelmed with various feelings and emotions, which he shared on his Twitter page.

Man went into the room to get a sweater, and found a cat with newborn kittens. He owns no animals

This situation was unexpected for him, because he did not have animals.

Man went into the room to get a sweater, and found a cat with newborn kittens. He owns no animals

He felt full responsibility and even called himself cat-dad. He shared on Twitter his emotions and photos of cute kittens.

The man decided to leave the furry family at home for a while.

Man went into the room to get a sweater, and found a cat with newborn kittens. He owns no animals

This cat chose the right place to give birth to her babies. She was lucky to have such a good person who reacted positively to the situation.

How would you feel about meeting a family of cats in your home? Would you keep them or not?

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