This kind and caring volunteer started taking care of cats and decided to adopt one of them

This girl really did not sleep for a whole week and nursed the kittens.

Amanda works as a volunteer at a homeless cat shelter. A wet cardboard box was delivered to the shelter. There was a young cat and 4 kittens.

Volunteer took care of entire cat family and adopted the unique kitten out of the litter

Three of them were quite standard, fluffy, the fourth had an unusual appearance. The kitten looked more like a plush toy.

Amanda adopted a whole family of small cats. The unusual cat was named Meesiks. The cat was very attached to Amanda.

Volunteer took care of entire cat family and adopted the unique kitten out of the litter

Analyzes showed that all newborns suffered from lethargy, that is, panleukopenia.

The disease is very dangerous for kittens of this age. But Amanda decided to fight for her animal and her brothers to the end.

Volunteer took care of entire cat family and adopted the unique kitten out of the litter

For a whole week she did not sleep and nursed the kittens, as a result, they all survived and began to recover.

As it turned out later, Meesiks had other health problems, so she just needs a caring owner. Thanks to Amanda, the kitten survived.

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