These wooden decorations are incredible. You can use them in every sphere

You can take a simple thing, add your creative skills make fabulous things of them and the sense of illusion.


You can live your luxurious life and decorate your place with the most expensive decorations you can find at the stores.  But you can spend less and have the most incredible ones. The nature has already made everything we need. We should just borrow ideas from it.  For instance,  you can decorate your place with the cool items made of wood and branches.

Sometimes you need to be like a child. If you see an interesting branch on the way to home, take it . You need it not for playing with it, but adding some details and having magnificent decorations.

1 Bookshelf made of tiny items

Подвесная полка из деревяшек.

Every book looks more attractive and mysterious on these shelves. Some candles add magic to them.

2 the music of the wind

Милая безделушка с романтичным настроением.

This small wooden thing can imaginary carry you to the sea.

3 watch

И какая разница, который час?

Maybe this is not the best one to understand what time it is but it is easy and cheap to made

4 photo frame

Рамка для фото своими руками."

It is easily inter grated in the modern art and if you add some thematic patterns it becomes exclusive and demanded

5 decorative birdhouse

Избушка для ключей.

By the way, you can keep your keys on them

6 wall panel

Панно из деревяшек.

This item makes romantic atmosphere even for the guests

7 floor facing

Декоративный пол.

You don’t need to use this idea for all of the rooms. Just a small part of it can make distinguishing interior design. It is appropriate for the county houses

8 wooden book stand

Подставка для книг в эко стиле.

Original way of storage of  the  precious literature

9 wooden panel for bathroom

Неожиданный декор для ванной комнаты.

Decorating l bathrooms with living trees is amazing, isn’t it?

10 classy chandelier

Подвесной светильник из коряги.

You cannot find the second one y this as it is unique

11 unexpected table lamp

Подставка для лампы настолько лампы из натуральных материалов.

For those who need to have forest at home

12 the system of hanging shelves

Полки из дерева.

These shelves can be easily and beautifully used in the design of every room

13 rack

Наверное, тут добрая волшебница хранит свои зелья.

The author suggest to have this item painted in matte paint for adding some mystery

14 Candlestick

«Друидский» подсвечник.

This wild and middle aged decoration Candlestick has the style of “Games of thrones “

15 almost natural stones

Волшебная атмосфера!

This small wooden sticks have pure lightening under them. This makes illusion as if the tree has inner fire


You don’t need much money to create incredible things.

Source: Novate 


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