These Sculptures Are So Neutral That Fascinate Everyone. How Talented Is The Sculptor!

Nature gives opportunities to create and enjoy the process. If you’re close to the nature you will only benefit from it.

There are many places in the world that could be called real pearls in the necklace of tourist routes. However, when to speak about true charm and luxury, a reference architectural masterpiece, many people think of Versailles – the elegant brainchild of the French kings. If you happen to visit France in the near future, you will be surprised: in the middle of the Versailles Park you will see a unique installation by the Italian artist Giuseppe Penone, which, at first glance, doesn’t harmonize with the architecture of the Royal Palace.

Деревянные скульптуры от Джузеппе Пеноне в Версале

Giuseppe Penone is a famous sculptor who gained his fame for his love of natural materials. Most of his works are made of stone and wood, in particular, a funny matryoshka log. Surprisingly, Giuseppe’s wooden sculptures ”took root” in the elegant Versailles once again mentioning the problem of the interaction between Human and Nature.

Деревянные скульптуры от Джузеппе Пеноне в Версале

The style of Giuseppe Penone is easily recognizable: the master takes natural materials as a basis and transforms them. The sculptor himself explains that he is interested in the moment when a person recreates nature, creates such realistic works that they become natural part of it.

Wooden sculptures by Giuseppe Penone now adorn the route along which the royal people liked to take their walks: they are placed from the Palace of Versailles to the Grand Canal.

Деревянные скульптуры от Джузеппе Пеноне в ВерсалеДеревянные скульптуры от Джузеппе Пеноне в ВерсалеДеревянные скульптуры от Джузеппе Пеноне в Версале

Source: Kulturologia

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