The only bear species in South America, spectacled bear has been seen in the mountains of Peru

This is one of the only bear species which was noticed in the mountains.

A new study in Peru shows more spectacled bears live in the country than previously thought.

Biologists have traveled to the Peruvian Andes in search of the yellow-tailed monkey, the rarest endemic of these forests, but locals and environmentalists say that bears are frequent here.

This caused the team to once again prioritize the expedition. The opening of the bespectacled bears is just as unique.

Golden spectacled bear was spotted in the mountains of Peru - the only bear species living in South America

The spectacled bear is considered ”shy”. Very little is known about his life in the wild.

Although this is the only species of bear found in South America, it belongs to the so-called ”umbrella” animals. It is a name given to an animal or plant species whose protection directly contributes to the protection of other species.

Golden spectacled bear was spotted in the mountains of Peru - the only bear species living in South America

The spectacled bear is vulnerable. It is threatened by poaching and habitat loss.

During the observation, the bear appeared in the eyes of a person several times, including four individuals, and was recorded immediately during the day.

The bears have been individually identified by their unique facial design.

Golden spectacled bear was spotted in the mountains of Peru - the only bear species living in South America

Another interesting discovery is the meeting with the ”golden bear”.

Further research will be needed to determine how common the unusual coloration is in this population and what causes it.

Golden spectacled bear was spotted in the mountains of Peru - the only bear species living in South America

Experts say that their searches are carried out in a limited area, they do not have to turn to large areas.

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