The family’s lost dog returns home with a handwritten message praising him as a hero

The family’s lost dog returns home

A family in New Zealand were more concerned after their ageing dog inexplicably vanished.

They were shocked, though, when he entered the house wearing a charming message around his collar.

The missing dog comes back to his family with handwritten note calling him a hero

Louie has lived at Marilyn Diver’s grandparents’ property since he was a puppy, just several weeks old.

The cute German shepherd always was a highly lively puppy, but he used to run around the family’s property the whole day.

However, times have happened as Louie has gotten older, but since he’s 12 years old, this senior chooses to stay at home instead of venture out into the community.

The missing dog comes back to his family with handwritten note calling him a hero

Louie’s parents were understandably concerned when he abruptly vanished for the past several hours one day, and with good reason.

It actually happened every time Marilyn went to visit her worried parents, who had no idea where Louie may be.

Rob, who lives with Marilyn’s parents, has a shepherd as a pet, and so does Maddy.

After reading the statement, parents called Rob right away to ask for further details.

Maddy wasn’t there either that day, and when Rob went looking for her when he got home, he discovered Louie at the flat. Rob kept pursuing the canine.

The missing dog comes back to his family with handwritten note calling him a hero

Amazingly, the puppy guided the man to Maddy when he followed his instincts.

Maddy tragically got caught in some bushes, but she is now alive thanks to her friend Louie.

He was so exhausted from the surgery that he struggled to simply get out of bed, let alone consume any food or drink.

His poor health was causing his family worry. But when Rob and Maddy paid them a visit the other week, things abruptly went back to normal.

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