The cute puppy runs away from home and rings the doorbell to return

What a cute puppy…

Another thing we enjoy about our puppies is that even though they say and do the most fascinating things, we simply cannot be angry with them.

However, there are times when they disappear, which makes our hearts beat rapidly.

Cute puppy escapes from home and then rings doorbell to get back inside

So, the only thing we could do, with a broken heart, was to look for the missing pet. I would never want to experience this kind of feeling again.

In any case, some animals experience a conscience crisis and promptly try to make amends.

It concerns Marshall, a wonderful golden retriever puppy who is three months old.

Cute puppy escapes from home and then rings doorbell to get back inside

At some point, this curious little fellow from Seattle, Washington, decided to examine the region, so he snuck out of his home.

Unfortunately, he found out very quickly that life without his host is pretty boring.

If no one else is sending you after sticks, what else can you do?

The dog must now figure out a way to enter the building while the front door is locked.

However, he was a sensible guy who understood that the ringing might very well be his closest friend.

Cute puppy escapes from home and then rings doorbell to get back inside

And fortunately for everyone involved, a surveillance camera in the residence captured the entire incident.

And trust me, you haven’t thought of anything cuter yet. Look at the fantastic piece below!

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