The cute happy seal was in the frames and brought popularity to the photographer

A well-fed, contented, downright happy baby seal got into the frame.

Are there many photographs in the world not devoted to politics, stage, or celebrities, but at the same time gaining thousands of likes? One of them in a matter of hours was a picture of Johan Siggeson, which he made on Horsey Beach in Norfolk.

A well-fed, satisfied, rejoiced, a really happy cub of a seal, which took it and waved with flippers, got into the frame, how to welcome them!

Not far from this place is Blackney Point Nature Reserve, the place of the reproduction of seals. They come here from November to January to give birth to babies so our hero was born recently.

More precisely, he is still a baby, but already strong, judging by his contented thick face. The sun shines, and there are no predators, why not be a serene and satisfied fate?

The picture has gained great popularity also because almost all the latest news about cats is negative. There he got confused in the networks, here the plastic nonsense squeezed his neck, but here he died completely.

Seals, what to say, have to be hard, including due to the fault of man. So even nicer to see such a charming and healthy seal!

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