They found unique coins in the backyard in an old and hidden bank.
Although these California spouses discovered hidden gold coins for $ 10 million, in the end they were not so lucky.
As reported in the news, coins could be stolen from the US Mint in the 1900s and are still considered state property.
As the couple announced, they found unique coins in the backyard in an old and hidden bank.
And, as they joked, this luxury is like «hot potatoes», because you can only look at them without trying.
Nevertheless, rare treasures were basically not in circulation and are still in excellent condition.
Indeed, finds are so rare and valuable that their nominal value is $ 27,000.
And, as one newspaper stated, coins perfectly correspond to the gold stolen in 1900 at the San Francisco monetary yard.
As an expert Don Kagin, ABC News said that all the working staff are stunned by this sensation.
He said that since 1981, many people brought us one or two of them, which we estimated at several thousand dollars.
However, this was the rare case when we find a whole cache with buried coins.
He added that the chance is one for a million! It was even harder to believe in this how to win the lottery!
They also later said that the famous couple is ready to sell most of them, lending part of them.