Stunning beauty: a two-colored cat with a unique appearance has aroused admiration on the Internet

This is an amazing cat whose face is split into two different colors.

This cat got her name because of her genetic condition. This is responsible for her unusual appearance.

The condition is the result of the fusion of two embryos forming one organism.

The genetic chemistry of cats is actually quite common, but the appearance of the chimera is definitely unique.

Quimera - the two-faced cat conquered the Internet with her incredible beauty

The muzzle of this cat is divided into one part by amber fur with green eyes, and into another part by blue eyes.

The color deviation continues along the cat’s chest to the front paws on opposite sides.

Quimera - the two-faced cat conquered the Internet with her incredible beauty

This wonderful creature in life is an ordinary cat who lives the simplest cat life, loves to hug her owner, lie on newspapers, books, hide in cardboard boxes and much more.

Quimera - the two-faced cat conquered the Internet with her incredible beauty

The cat became famous for its absolute exceptional beauty. Her parents are very successful.

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